
RAZIN' Hell in Jesus' Name!
Def:  erase: to scrape, cut, or shave off; to destroy: demolish

Location:  FBC Oronogo at 96 & MM Hwys

This year we will be partnering with Watered Gardens Outreach.  Come and help support this great ministry & meet the needs of the homeless in our community.  See Shane Couch or contact the church office for more details at 673-4784.
Freezin' For A Reason

Participants constructed a make-shift homeless camp in front of the church and slept outside Saturday night to raise awareness and collect items for the less fortunate.  Sleeping quarters were built completely from salvaged materials (NO tents, campers, etc.) NO electricity   The only heat available was from a fire that the participants built.

Participants depended on members of the congregation and community for food.  Boy, did they deliver!  THANK YOU to everyone who helped out this great cause and great ministry.  Watered Gardens takes donations all through out the year, not just at Christmas-time.  It takes each of us doing our part to make a world of difference to those in need. 

Donations may still be taken to Watered Gardens.  They are open Monday-Friday from 10a-2p.  Click the link for location and other great info.